Sinapis is an annual or winter annual plant of the genus Sinapis in the family Brassicaceae.
It has traditionally been used to relieve muscle pain, rheumatism and arthritic pain.
If applied over scalp and is believed to stimulate hair growth.
Its ground seeds act as a laxative, stimulant to gastric mucosa and increase intestinal secretion.
The plentiful amount of phytonutrients, minerals, antioxidants and omega-3 fats present in sinapis have made it highly beneficial for maintaining a good health.
Benefits against Cancer
Benefits for heart
Benefits against inflammation
Benefits for the immune system
Benefits against migraines
Benefits against respiratory problems
Benefits in healing wounds
Benefits against asthma
Benefits for digestion
Benefits for women suffering from menopause
Benefits against rheumatism and arthritis
Benefits against flu
Benefits against Hair fall
Other Health Benefits:
Sinapis also possesses anti-fungal and antiseptic properties. The presence of certain B-complex vitamins helps in enzyme synthesis, proper functioning of the nervous system and boosting up the metabolism process. It is also instrumental in healing common diseases like cold, chest congestion and headaches. It is also used to induce vomiting for patients who have been accidentally poisoned.
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